Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Sharpeville Campaign - Turn 15

Rebel situation at 5:30pm, including scouted Union units.

The campaign will go to a night turn at 7:00pm, so further large engagements are unlikely today though smaller ones are still possible.
I have managed to get most of the army into a good position north east of Sharpeville, and have detected Butterfield's division of Porter's (troublesome!) corps at the Cutler House. Because only cavalry can scout diagonally adjacent squares I am hoping that Jackson's presence has not been spotted by Butterfield. More worrying is Tompkin's cavalry near the Stevensburg Turnpike - they seem to have just appeared and I don't know how much of our northward movement they have become aware of. I need to drive them away, or at least 'confuse' them a bit next turn !
It would seem that Ian may have guessed by now that I didn't head south and west, so there could be all sorts of trouble in store for the morning . . .

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