Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Sharpeville Campaign : Turn 6

Arrows show Fitzhugh Lee's attempts to locate some enemy - any enemy!

9:30 am - Tompkin's division must have been way out on a limb because Buford has retired him in front of Jackson's advance, yielding the Confederates one campaign victory point. Longstreet's Corps has finally moved up close enough to support Jackson if all hell breaks loose.
That's the good news. The bad news is, Stuart has yet to discover the whereabouts of any Union infantry divisions ! Fitzhugh Lee's troopers have been desperately scouting the area just south of Sharpeville, using up half the available command points this turn, but they have turned up no boys in blue from the Lutheran Church to the Schimmel House. Could it really be that the main weight of Pope's army is deployed over towards Fremont, and Lee has outmanoeuvred him already ?

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